Having Trouble Logging In?
Let’s get you logged in! Please check our questions on this page to help trouble-shoot why you can’t login.
1. Your username is your email address.
2. Please enter the email address associated with your OLG.ca account.
3. Enter in your password. Use the ‘View Password’ icon to ensure the password is entered and spelled correctly.
4. If you requested a password reset email, always check your junk or spam folder.
Don't remember your email address associated with your OLG login? Try all possible email addresses you could have used. Still having trouble? Please contact Customer Support at 1-800-387-0098.
Forgot your password? Reset it here.
Make sure you check your junk or spam folder.
1. Your username is your email address.
2. Please enter the email address associated with your OLG.ca account.
3. Enter in your password. Use the ‘View Password’ icon to ensure the password is entered and spelled correctly.
4. If you requested a password reset email, always check your junk or spam folder.
If you have logged in five times with attempts at an incorrect password, your account will be locked out.
Here’s what you can do:
- Please check your email for a link to reset your password (don’t forget to check your junk or spam folder).
- You will automatically get an email to reset your password (check your junk or spam folder).
- Please reset your password. Your account will not reopen at any time until you reset your password.
- You have 24 hours to reset your password.
- Once your password is reset, you can login right away and start playing on OLG.ca
Still having trouble? Please contact Customer Support at 1-800-387-0098.
If you have not used your account in 36 months, your account is automatically closed.
Please contact our Support Centre at 1-800-387-0098 to reinstall.
Whoops! Life got busy and you didn’t fully verify your email address after you registered. Here’s what to do:
- Double check your email from support@confirmations.olg.ca to make sure you fully verified your email address.
- If it was over 30 days ago that you registered, the link expired.
- If your verification link expired 30 days ago, please contact playersupport@olg.ca or 1-800-387-0098.
It happens! Check the following:
Does the email you enter match the email associated to your account? It must match.
Check the spelling of your password. Use the ‘Show Password’ icon to make sure your password is spelled correctly.
Check your junk/spam folder for the email. It should come from <support@confirmations.olg.ca
Whoops! Time slipped away. Your password reset email expires after 24 hours.
Let’s try again! Got an error message?
- Select “Forgot Password” for a new email to be sent to you.
- Please use the most recent email sent to you to reset your password properly.
You can only register with one account. You can try resetting your password here with your registered email address.
Don't remember your email address associated with your OLG login? Try all possible email addresses you could have used. Still having trouble? Please contact Customer Support at 1-800-387-0098.
If your account is suspended, we have been in contact via email.
Please refer to your email first and check your junk or spam folders to see if you got it.
If not, please contact Customer Support at 1-800-387-0098.