A Deposit Limit is an optional limit on how much money you can deposit into your OLG wallet. It’s one simple way to avoid overspending across all sports, casino and lottery games. They can be customized at any time in the ‘My PlaySmart Tools’.section of your account.
1. Deposit Limits are optional and no longer mandatory. My PlaySmart Tools are all about giving you control over your play.
2. More Options: you can now set deposit limits for daily, weekly, and monthly time periods.
3. Rolling Time Periods: your deposit limits refresh on a rolling basis after each deposit, instead of refreshing all at once after a fixed amount of time. That means each Deposit Limit refreshes on a rolling basis for a day, week, or months' worth of time after each deposit, so that you can never deposit more than your limit:
Daily Deposit Limit = Refreshes 24 hours after deposit
Weekly Deposit Limit = Refreshes 168 hours after deposit
Monthly Deposit Limit = Refreshes 720 hours after deposit
Here’s an example of how a rolling weekly Deposit Limit works:
If your weekly deposit limit is: $100* and you deposit $100 in one day, then you must wait exactly 7 days to deposit again.

If your weekly deposit limit is $100* and you deposit $25 on Friday and $75 on Saturday, then you must wait until the following Friday to be able to deposit another $25 and the following Saturday to deposit $75.

* Note, the $100 example is for illustration purposes only. You can set your Deposit Limits at any time to match your budget.
What if I don’t deposit the full amount that refreshes on the day it refreshes?
Whatever available budget you have in your limit will remain and combine with the next refresh. In Scenario 2 above, if you didn’t deposit any money on the second Friday, that $25 of available budget would combine with Saturday’s refresh of $75, allowing you to then deposit a full $100 on the second Saturday.
OLG is for the use of adults in the Province of Ontario, Canada. Lottery products are available to those persons 18 years of age and over, while casino products are restricted to those persons 19 years of age and over.
Please note that the deposit limit infographic above is for illustration purposes only.