How to claim prizes if you're a retailer, supplier or relative.

An Insider Win occurs where an Insider claims and is paid a lottery prize.
It is the responsibility of the Insider and/or previous Related Parties to advise OLG of their relationship to OLG upon claiming their prize.
Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) consider persons as Insiders and/or Related Parties if they meet any of the definitions below and are subject to further scrutiny dependent upon the expiry of the ticket purchased.
Individuals designated by OLG as Related Parties are not eligible to participate by themselves or as a group in a lottery in Ontario, including without limitation, purchasing a ticket, validating a ticket or receiving a ticket as a gift and are not entitled to claim a prize in a lottery conducted and managed by OLG. OLG designates the following individuals, groups or organizations as “Related Parties”:
Persons under the age of 18 years of age;
Employees of Ontario Lottery and Gaming (OLG);
Members of OLG’s board of directors;
Individual consultants or public sector employees retained by OLG through contracts of retainer for periods of 30 calendar days or more in the aggregate;
Members or employees of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario;
Ontario Provincial Police officers that have been assigned to the AGCO;
Directors, officers, partners, and sole proprietors of OLG’s authorized retailers (at the locations in which they are employed or associated with);
Employees of OLG’s authorized retailers who handle (including activation, sale, validation or redemption) lottery tickets in the course of their employment (at the locations in which they are employed or associated);
In addition to the Related Parties listed above, as it relates to lottery tickets purchased on only, OLG designates the following additional individuals as “Related Parties”:
- Members of the board of directors, officers, or partners of both OLG’s internet gaming service providers and their subcontractors that are engaged in the provision of software, systems, products or services relating to the OLG’s conduct and management of lottery schemes on;
- Employees of both OLG’s internet gaming service providers and their subcontractors that are engaged in the provision of software, systems, products or services relating to the OLG’s conduct and management of lottery schemes on;
- Consultants and contract employees retained by OLG’s internet gaming service providers and their subcontractors through contracts of retainer for periods of 30 calendar days or more in the aggregate;
- Any affiliate, subcontractor or subsidiary of OLG’s internet gaming service providers, or any entity retained directly by OLG to provide software, systems, products or services relating to OLG’s internet gaming platform(s).
For more information on eligibility to play lottery and OLG’s designation of Related Parties, see OLG’s Rules Respecting Lottery Games and OLG’s Rules Respecting iGaming Lottery Games.
OLG designates the following individuals, groups or organizations as “Insiders” who are eligible to play lottery, but are subject to enhanced scrutiny:
Authorized retailers and sellers of OLG lottery products and services at retail locations they are not affiliated with;
Employees of the Interprovincial Lottery Corporation (ILC);
Employees of other Canadian regional or provincial lottery agencies, regional marketing organization or corporation (other than OLG);
Lottery Suppliers to OLG who are involved in the sale, redemption, distribution or manufacturing of lottery products, equipment or services;
Employees that perform Independent Audit, Advisory or Security Services for OLG;
Registered Gaming Assistants of an OLG authorized Retailer or OLG’s internet gaming service providers;
Executives or staff of a Trade Union who represent or negotiate on behalf of employees at the Authorized Retailer, OLG’s internet gaming service providers, or Casino;
Employees of registered suppliers that maintain or repair lottery equipment or software (whether on site or remotely) at an OLG authorized Lottery Retailer, OLG online gaming website or at an Ontario Casino;
Employees of the Ontario Ministry of Finance or Ontario Ministry of Attorney General who have lottery specific oversight; and
Family members or any other relatives who reside with the Insider or Related Party (as defined above) will be treated as Insiders.
Immediate family members of a person as defined above (whether living in the same residence or not) will be treated as Insiders.
Prize claims of $10,000 or more by Insiders and/or Related Parties may take several weeks to complete. The claim process includes investigating and validating the prize claim and possible involvement with third parties. For major wins of $10,000 or more, and part of a group win, we recommend that group leaders contact the OLG PRIZE CENTRE to schedule an appointment at 1-800-387-0098.
The status of an individual as a “Related Party” or “Insider” will be determined based on the date and time the relevant ticket was purchased.